Jatamansi Oil

Jatamansi Oil

Jatamansi oil is obtained by steam distillation of dried rhizomes of nardostachys Grandiflora D.C. It is commonly called Jatamansi In Nepali. It is a perennial herb with a thick aromatic rhizome covered with reddish-brown fibers of old leaves and grown in Himalayan regions between 3200-5100m. altitude from west to east Nepal.

Uses :

In favor and fragrance industries.

Organoleptic Properties :

Appearance:  Fluid to slightly viscous liquid.

Color: Varies from amber to deep blue or greenish blue.

Aroma: heavy, sweet-woody and spicy-animal odor.

Composition :
  • Valeranene(jatamonsone)
  • Calarene
  • D-cadinene
  • B-maaliene
  • Aritolene