
For thousands of years, herbs have been used around the world to heal, cook, and enhance overall well-being. Nepal being the treasure trove for medical herbs (Ayurvedic Jadibuti) and aromatic plants, is renowned across the world. For centuries, Nepal has exported its highly valued forest products to neighboring countries including India and China. It is estimated that Nepal has the potential of 2,000 MAPs(Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) and non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Among the eight hundred nineteen have been identified of which over one hundred sixty-five are commercially traded in market.

Nepalese herbs are found in the foothill of the Himalayan region in the high-altitude area making them unique and more distinct and usable compared to medical plants from other countries. Nepalese MAPs(Medicinal and Aromatic Plants) contain different medical properties and have a higher market value.

What we Value?

At HPPCL, it is not just about commercial value. We believe in a sustainable development and our scope of work is inclined more towards restoration and improvement of the environment. Besides that, we aim to provide employment to communities where the MAPs are available in abundance. We have a vision to develop such backward communities and provide them a fair income. In short, we believe in a business model that empowers local communities and creates a roadmap for future generation.

Our Establishment and other activities

HPPCL was established in 1981 under the supervision of the Government of Nepal. HPPCL is the first Nepali company to harvest the country’s MAPs and produce medicinal extracts and essential oils for pharmaceutical, food, beauty and wellness industries, both within Nepal and abroad. The company owns about 500 hectors of land in Tarahara, Belbari, Tamagadhi, Mahendranagar, and Tikapur for the cultivation of MAPs.