Cultivation Of MAPs

HPPCL has its own farms in six different places of Nepal through which it cultivates varieties of herbs. Some of the aromatic and medicinal herbs farmed are Chamomile, Lemongrass, Citronella, Palmarosa and French basil.


(Matricaria Chamomilla L.)

Annual grass production-337 tons

Chamomile is an annual herb that grows up to 90cm in height. HPPCL has been cultivating this crop since 1990 A.D. especially in the Terai region of Nepal.

Propagation by seeds. November is main sowing season. Seeds are mixed with sand or ash in 1:30 ratio and sown 30-40 cm. Apart in rows. First cut starts after flowering. One third from the tip of plants is harvested in first cutting. Whole plant is harvested in the second cutting one month after first cut.

French Basil

(Ocimum basilicum L.)

Annual grass production- 40 tons

French basil is an annual herb that grows up to 50cm in height. HPPCL has been cultivating this crop since 1990 A.D. especially in the Terai region of Nepal.

Propagation by seeds. March is growing season. Seedlings are raised in nursery (February). First harvesting starts three months after transplantation. Second harvesting after two months.


Eucalyptus sps.

Annual collection Target-……..Ton (Target being fixed)

Eucalyptus leaves are collected from community forestry area, forest land and private cultivated area of terai region of Nepal.

Eucalyptus is fast-growing evergreen tree and are characterised by the possesion of indefinite shoorts and naked bud. Leaves are usually alternate, thick and gland dotted. Flowers are ebracteate, usually white in simple or paniculate umbels.

Eucalyptus Oil is obtained by steam distillation of fresh or semi dry leaf material of Eucalyptus sp. It is commonly called Masala in Nepali.

Uses in pharmaceutical preparations, flavoring of cough drops, vaporizers, mouth

gargles, toothpaste etc, rubefecient, general germicide. In perfumery, scenting of soaps.


(Cymbopogon martinii roxb)

Annual grass production-352 tons

Palmarosa is a long slender stemmed terminal top perennial herb. It grows up to a meter in height. HPPCL has been cultivating this crop since 1982 A.D. especially in the Terai region of Nepal.

Propagation by seeds and by slips. Nursery developed in April by showing seeds and transplanted in May. First harvesting is done after 2 months of nursery transplantation. We can harvest 3 times within a year. Winter season is dormant season so therefore no harvesting is done.

After plugging and harrowing of the field, the plants from nursery are transplanted. Row to Row distance (40 cm) and plant to plant distance (30 cm.)


(Mentha arvensis L)

Annual grass production-1005 ton

Mentha is a fragile annual herb that grows up to 60cm height. HPPCL has been cultivating this crop since 1988 A.D. in the Terai region of Nepal.

Propagation by root suckers and by nursery developed from suckers. Suckers transplanted in January-February and nursery transplanted in March. In June whole plant is harvested.

After plugging and harrowing the field, suckers are transplanted in Row to Row distance (40cm.) and sucker to sucker distance (6cm.) Seedlings are transplanted in row to row distance (30cm.) and plant to plant distance (15cm.)


(Cymbopogon Winterianus jowitt)

Annual grass production-531 tons

Citronella is an aromatic perennial herb growing up to two-meter height. HPPCL has been cultivating this crop since 1982 A.D. in the Terai region of Nepal.

This crop is propagated by slips. Slips are prepared by splitting two-year-old clump of Citornella. June-July is main sowing season and first harvested after 3 months of transplantation. Second harvest starts after 40-45 days of first harvesting. Harvesting is 4 times within a year. Winter season is dormant season and therefore no harvesting is done.

After plugging and harrowing of field, slips are transplanted in Row to Row distance (40-50cm) and plant to plant distance (30-40cm.)